Our Daily Grace: Grace Is Greater

"You can't go too far with grace. That's like saying, 'Don't go too far with Jesus.'"

Steve McVey

"Yet, though sin is shown to be wide and deep, thank God His grace is wider and deeper still!  The whole outlook changes - sin used to be the master of men and in the end handed them over to death; now grace is the ruling factor, with righteousness as its purpose and its end the bringing of men to the eternal life of God through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Romans 5:20-1

No matter how much it looks like sin and death have ruled this world, God assures us that His grace and life have already defeated them and will have the final word.  Even now grace is reigning, turning darkness, sin and death into light, love and life. There is so much hope for the future, thanks to the wonder of God's grace and love shown in Christ, when He, by the cross and resurrection, defeated sin and death and brought eternal life to us!  There is nothing He can't do, no problem He can't solve, no situation He can't bring to victory, no person He can't reach, no story He can't give a happy ending.  We haven't even begun to imagine all God is doing and will do by His grace through Jesus Christ our Lord!

A thought: Grace wins!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14