"I saw God in a Point....by which sight I saw that He is in all things."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 11)
We see God in a point, the secret center of everything, and thus in all things as their secret center. God, who is Perfect Love, is at the center of it all. He is at the center of all things, of all creation, of heaven and earth, of all space, of all time, past and present and future, of all history. He is the still point at the center around which everything moves, the hidden heart of all, where all is calm and all is well. He is not just part of this story - He is the center of the story. He is not just part of history - He is the point which all history revolves around. He is not just the originator of creation - He is the core truth of all creation. He is not just with and around us - He in us as the core of every person. Everything exists in Him and all of time moves forward based on Him. He is the meaning behind it all and the ultimate mover and sustainer of all. He is working in us to show us kindness and working in our story to bring the perfect happy ending. He is infusing every moment and every person with pure love. God, Perfect Love, is the center of it all, meaning that love is really what it is all about and the core truth of everything! The secret center for our lives is a Person who IS Love, who loves us with unconditional love and accepts us with unconditional acceptance and will work out His purpose of love no matter what. It is all about Him, which means it is all about love. Love holds us, love holds up this universe, love sums up all of history!
"Love holds everything and everybody together."
Colossians 3:14 (NLV)
A Prayer: I am so thankful that You, Perfect Love, are at the center of it all, and at the center of my soul!