We See Him Continually

"For He willeth we should believe that we see Him continually though that to us it seemeth but little."

Julian of Norwich (Ch. 10)

We may think we hardly ever see God, but God wants us to know that we see Him continually. He is always right in front of us, always within our sights. He is not a God that hides from us. He wants to be known and seen, so He always stays before us and makes Himself known to us. He is always working in our lives, bringing blessing, giving support, and we can look around us every moment and see things He is doing to help and encourage us. And even if we aren't fully aware of His presence or His work outwardly, we are always looking upon Him in our heart, in our spirit. Deep within, we are always in face to face union with God. Our faces are always lit up by the light of His face as He smiles at us, as He loves us. On the outside we may be worried or feeling alone, we may be struggling to find God, but inside, our deepest self is always at rest in Him, has never lost Him, is always looking into His with wonder! And He continually brings our outer thoughts and feelings to align with our inner part, our spirit, to know what our spirit always knows: "God is always here with me, looking on me with joy, loving me. We are one!"

"Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of His face."

2 Corinthians 3:18 (MSG)

A Prayer: I see You, God!

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14