"Heaven and earth and all that is made is great and large, fair and good."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 8)
Everything that God made, all of creation, heaven and earth and all that is in them, is very good. It is pleasing to God, approved in His sight, beautiful, pleasant and well-made. God doesn't make mistakes in His creating! Everything He does is perfectly done, and that includes everything He created. We are good, very good, to God. He is pleased with us, His dear created children. There is nothing wrong with our design or makeup. We don't need to ever feel we are mistakes, messed up, or not good enough. We are perfectly created by our loving Father and He Himself looks on us and sees someone who is beautiful in His sight, someone who is very good!
"God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good."
Genesis 1:31 (NKJ)
A Prayer: Father, I echo Your thoughts and declare I am very good!