"For He will be seen and He will be sought: He will be abided and he will be trusted."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 10)
God wants us to see Him. He isn't hiding from us or withdrawing from us. He longs for us to seek Him because He longs to be found by us and show Himself to us. He wants us to stay with Him and focus on Him, because He loves us and wants us near. And He wants us to trust Him because He knows what peace, joy and strength it will bring us, and what rest., because He is trustworthy and won't let us down. He loves to prove Himself strong and trustworthy to us! And the wonderful thing is that He is bringing this to pass, always drawing us with love, persuading us with His faithfulness. He is always breaking through our world to reach us right where we are and draw us to look to Him. Every day He is speaking to us and showering us with love-gifts, from the morning sunrise, to a baby's laughter, to unexpected good things coming our way...from reservoirs of strength we find in challenges to friends that cross our paths to support us. He will keep on pouring out love and faithfulness on us and keep on showing us His beauty and goodness till each one of us turns voluntarily towards Him and seeks Him, finds Him, makes our mental home with Him, and comes to fully relax and trust Him to take care of us. He does what any good father would do with his children - He keeps on loving on them and taking care of them till He wins their trust and love. What a wonderful Father we have. We don't have to try to seek Him or make effort to trust Him or abide with Him. We can just listen to the words of love He speaks to us and see all the ways He enters our lives to bless us and we will find ourselves naturally drawn to this all-loving, gentle, faithful Father and Friend!
"I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. And so with unfailing love, I have drawn you to Myself."
Jeremiah 31:3 (CEB)
A Thought: Thank You for drawing my heart close to You, dear Father, and for reassuring me that I WILL abide with You and trust in You!