"Also in this He shewed me a little thing, the quantity of an hazel-nut, in the palm of my hand; and it was as round as a ball. I looked thereupon with eye of my understanding, and thought: What may this be? And it was answered generally thus: it is all that is made. I marvelled how it might last, for methought it might suddenly have fallen to naught for little[ness]. And I was answered in my understanding: It lasteth, and ever shall [last] for that God loveth it."
Julian of Norwich (Ch. 5)
All of creation, the entire vast universe, is so small to God that it fits like a hazelnut in the palm of His hand. Yet it is so precious to Him that He sustains it in His great love. He loves every part of creation, every being, right down to the smallest ant on the smallest blade of grass. Each person, each creature, is so beloved of God, so special and important and cared for, held so tenderly and supported so faithfully. No matter how small we may be, we are precious and upheld in life by God Himself. It is Love Himself that holds all creation in life, in being, in existence. It is Love Himself that breathes the breath of life in us and keeps us alive. It is Love Himself that tenderly, faithfully, endlessly supports and cares for all!
"He holds all things in His hand - every living soul, yes, every breathing creature."
Job 12:10 (MSG)
A Prayer: I love being loved by You.