Quotes From the Past

When I first heard about grace, I found a Yahoo group on grace called Believer's Rest.  I never posted on this group, but I read and enjoyed the posts very much.  I almost considered this group like my "grace church" at the time.  The archives for this now defunct group were accidentally deleted long ago, but I copied some of the posts.  Here is one by a member of that group.  I hope it encourages you as much as it has me..

"[God] bundled up every one of [our] sins and placed them on the sinless One, His unique Son, Jesus the Christ.  He dealt with the 'sin' issue once and for all...

"Where there is no law, and there isn't for us as Christians, then there is 'no transgression.'  We can't violate something that doesn't exist in our life.  Let's forget sinning, as God, did, and go about loving, loving, LOVING because that's all we can do.

"Every breath we take we worship Him, full and free, without realizing it.  We are totally free to love as God wants us to, and His Spirit fulfills everything God wants from us.  It's really an 'effortless' thing that we just rest in."
                                                           Marcus Chewning
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14