The Law of Life

Sometimes there are certain phrases in the Bible that I have trouble understanding completely.  One of those phrases is the "law of life."  It is also called the law of the Spirit, the law of liberty, and the law of love.  At least, I link them all together in my mind.  And I find myself trying to figure out what this law really is.  So what really is this law of life?

The life within us is the very life of Christ, His Spirit.  And this life has a law about it.  A way it operates that is sure and certain.  If it's present, certain things will always be true.

To me, the law of life is that with the Spirit within, this self-sustaining life will sustain and keep us.  This life will manifest itself through us as love, and it will happen in way that preserves our freedom.

This life makes us all that it is.  The life of Christ, His very nature,  is within us.  If the Spirit is within, certain things are true.  The human spirit is alive and righteous, totally acceptable to God.  We are already righteous, not trying to become righteous. That is forever true.  The life within has brought with it all its attributes of righteousness, peace, acceptability, love, joy, holiness, etc.  And the life is not a thing but a Person named Jesus!  With Him inside, I am forever okay, and to me that is part of the law of life.

This life maintains itself.  We do not have to worry about maintaining this life or keeping it within or keeping it going.  It is an imperishable life, an eternal life.  It is an incorruptible life.  It maintains itself.  And it sustains us in life.  We don't sustain ourselves, the life of Christ is holding us up and sustaining us eternally.

And this life manifests itself.  One truth about life is that it grows and manifests itself.  A pregnant lady will begin to "show," and eventually a baby will be born!  His life in us will begin to "show," and life will be evident!  We don't have to worry about that, either, then.  It's a natural process, a law - the law of life.

This life brings liberty.  Where the Spirit is, there is liberty; thus, this law can be called the law of liberty.  The Spirit brings freedom.  If we have the Spirit, we don't need external law.  The Spirit is one with our spirit and His desires actually come forth as the desires of our spirit.    Thus, following or walking by the Spirit becomes doing what we want to do deep down, following our spirit!  That is so beautiful to me.  God has set everything up in such a way that we are free from external pressure and restraint and can actually do as we please, be ourselves, and live naturally from our very spirit, our deepest and truest desires, which are actually His desires!  Wow!  So to me, part of the law of life is that where life is, there is liberty from external law and the joy of following your heart or spirit.

This law brings love.  Our hearts want to love, for love lives at the center of our being and is one with us!  The law of life tells me that this love will naturally come forth, for where the Spirit is, there is love, since God is love.  The desires of the Spirit deep within our spirit, then, are desires to love!  His love compels us.  We are drawn to love and can't help but love.  And He is doing it all from within us!  We don't have to try to love.  Love has us, holds us, and compels us to love by being our very nature!  Our very nature is love!  Wow!  So many times I think I am unloving, but my deepest self is love and that love will come out!  It's the law of life that it will!

As Jamie over at Better Than We Know says, "We don't keep this law; it keeps us!"  Yes!  I love that!  It's so freeing and relieving to know the law of life is at work, so I don't have to be at work!  There's no need for rules, principles, or any external law in my life to "keep me in line" because the law of life is keeping me.  No need for an external map when you have your own internal GPS!  No need to be motivated by duty when one is already motivated by desire!  We WERE sheep continually going astray, but NOW we have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls.  (1 Pet. 2:25)  His very life is the Guardian of our soul and so we won't go astray!  It's wonderful to ponder this law of life working in us!

                             With love,

May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14