It's Okay To Be Broken

I have wanted to have a blog for quite a while.  The process of writing my own thoughts or even copying down the thoughts of others helps me to think about things and understand them better.  And I also wanted to share some wonderful things God has shown me about His love and grace, for I wish the WHOLE world knew the good news of God's acceptance of us just as we are because of what Jesus did for all of us on the cross!

But at the same time I felt very hesitant to start sharing through a blog.  How could I share about these great truths of grace when I was still seeking to understand them myself?  And how could I act as if I had some spiritual knowledge to share when I myself still had many imperfections and struggles?  I think I felt I must "have it all together" before I could share anything spiritual with others...

But the truth is, I will never have it all together down here on this planet!  And the message of grace is specifically that I am accepted and loved and perfect for God even IN my "not together" state.  I'm okay with Him, not because of my getting my act together or figuring everything out spiritually, but because of Jesus doing something amazing on the cross and in the resurrection.  He took away my "not together-ness" on the cross and my sins and flaws are GONE!  And He says that I'm alright with Him forever.

So I am going to just share out of my brokenness.  Sometimes I get confused, sometimes I get down, sometimes I fail.  But because of a little word called GRACE, I just have to share what God has taught me.  I just have to share that we are all loved and accepted.  I just have to share that His face toward us wears a smile, not an angry glare.  I just have to share that all of our sins, those of the whole world, have been taken away by Jesus on the cross, where He got rid of everything that ever could have kept us away from Him.  I just have to share that there is no barrier between us and God, that He's our friend.  I just have to share that He sees every human being as a precious little child of great worth.  I just have to share it, even through my own brokenness and my own struggle to sometimes believe it, because IT'S TRUE and it's the best message in the world! 

So I guess it's okay to be broken, because in Jesus, no matter how broken I am, I am whole because of Him!  His love has made me whole!
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14