My Favorite Chapter in the Bible

My favorite Bible chapter is Isaiah 54.  Coming right after the chapter on the Messiah's death on the cross, it's such an encouraging message of love from God in light of Christ's work.  I've sort of paraphrased some of the promises I see there into a letter of love (this isn't word for word scripture but some ideas I got out of the passage):

"You've been barren, but now you will be full of life!  What you could never produce on your own, you will have.  You will grow.  You will have a great inheritance.  Everything in your life that is dead will come alive in a new way, and everything that was lost will be found.

"No more shame and disgrace for you  -  the shame of your former life will be forgotten.  Your are accepted!  I am on your side!  I am for you!  In fact, I love you and you are My bride!

"I have redeemed you.  I gather you into My arms with compassion.  I love you with a sure, faithful, forever love.  I will never be angry with you!  I will never rebuke you!  I will never take away My love for you, never stop loving you.  There will always be peace between us.

"I will be faithful to you.  You feel so lonely, so confused, so troubled, but I am holding you and won't let go.  That is your sure foundation.  Our life together is beautiful!  And I think you are beautiful!  We'll always be together, and with Me right there with you, nothing can get to you.

"Terror can't come near you, for I protect you.  I will never attack you or hurt you.  And noone else who ever attacks you will succeed.  Noone can accuse you.  Anyone who accuses you will be put down.  I back you up fully.  Your rightness comes from Me!  And you are perfect for Me!"
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14