Free To Just Be

We don't have to be anything.  We don't have to be wise.  We don't have to be strong.  We don't have to be beautiful.  We don't have to be tough.  We don't have to be courageous.  We don't have to be energetic.  We don't have to be anything.

We are free to just be ourselves.  We are free to just be whatever we are right at this moment.  We are free to let go of trying, let go of struggling to improve or be something different than we are.  We are free to feel, to laugh or cry, to understand or be confused.  We are free to fail. We are free to be honest and realize we don't have it all together.  And we don't have to.

Jesus is the One that matters.  He's the One who has to have is all together, and He does!  He is the One who is wise, strong, beautiful, tough, courageous, energetic.  He is all of that for us and in us and as us.  He has made us all those things in Him anyway whether we feel that way or not.  Nothing can change that.  Our thoughts, feelings, and actions are not the deepest thing about us - HE is the deepest thing about us!  We can just be and find that He IS in the midst of our "stuff."  He will speak to us and minister to us and love us and accept us and delight in us right where we are!   He won't ever let go of us, we're safe with Him just as we are, no matter what.  His Life will be there no matter what, a constant spring of living water.

One thing I love about grace is that He takes us as we are.  We don't have to try to look good, ever.  It's great to be honest and let down all pretenses and just be, knowing nothing is required of us and no heavy burdens are placed on us.  We are not required to be perfect and lovely and smart and godly - we are accepted as we are.  Yet the paradox is that He has made us all those things already inside!  He has made our inner life with Him perfect already and we can rest in that, whether our outer life matches the inner one or not.  He's taking care of our life.  We can just be.  We can be honest and naked before Him, for He is a safe place to be, a place of acceptance.  Real acceptance!

Jesus is okay with us.  Right now, as we are, whatever we are feeling, thinking or even doing.  And we are okay before Him.  We are okay in Him.  We can just be.

                         With love,
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14