He Does It All; We Rest

There's a beautiful Brazilian worship song (by the group Milad) that brings so much peace to my heart.  It just makes me relax and rest again when confusion tries to take over and I feel the weight of "should" on my shoulders, a weight I wasn't meant to bear.  His work is to do everything; ours is to rest in Him. 

Nao tenhas sobre ti
Um so cuidado qualquer que seja
Pois um, somente um,
Seria muito para ti.

E meu somente meu
Todo trabalho
E o teu trabalho e
Descansar em mim.
Loose translation:

Don't have upon you
Even one single care
Because even one
Would be too much for you.

It's Mine, and only Mine,
All the work to do
And your work is
To rest in Me.

May you rest peacefully in the One who does it all in and through you today...
                              With love,
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14