The Righteous Life

The Righteous Life (Jesus) is what we already have!  The Righteous Life is what is flowing out of us today without us doing anything.  Effortless!  We have to do - nothing!  He does it all.  We can be at peace and rest.

And even if the Righteous Life doesn't manifest in our outer life as we would want, it still IS!  It doesn't have to be seen to be real.  If we never see in this life all the outward results we'd like to see, there is no condemnation for we are okay in the One who IS our Life and IS righteous for all of us!   We have messy lives and sometimes contradictory behavior and yet we are still IN life and still the righteousness of God in Christ.  For it is never based on our behavior, not to get this righteousness or to keep it.  It is a GIFT.

The Righteous Life is a life of being in right relationship with God.  We have an acceptable, satisfying, intimate relationship with God as our personal possession.  The Life we are in is a life of constant communion and fellowship among the Trinity.  This is the very life we are now a part of, the very love relationship that is now our birthright and privilege.  We need never look at others and think they are better Christians and thus closer to God.  We can all hold our heads high, for we all have a relationship with God that is absolutely perfect, because it is the right relationship of Jesus to God that has been put in us!  That's a perfect relationship!  And it's still perfect right after we fail, for it's His right relationship transferred to us and therefore not dependent on us at all to produce or maintain.  That's the Righteous Life we have inside!

We are IN Life!  And noone can take us out, not even our own selves.  No matter what, the Life is in us and won't leave.  We are sustained by His Life.  We have drunk from the fountain of the water of Life and thirst no more.  We filled full!  We are complete!  Our spirits are always in the realm of the new creation where all simply IS righteous and holy and true - that's the Really Real, no matter what's visible here...

                       With love from
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14