You Are Loved

Words of God's grace to all of us, His children:

Do you know how loved you are?  You were loved into existence.  And you are surrounded by love every day of your life.  You are loved every second of every day of every year of your life.  You are loved completely, immeasurably, eternally, and unconditionally.

You are loved just the way you are.  And you are important just the way you are.  You are valuable and a treasure.  This world is made brighter because you are in it. And you make each and every day special just by being you in that day.

You are a wonderful person.  You are truly beautiful.  You're a work of art, and there's noone else just like you on this whole planet.  You are truly one of a kind and special.  You are a magnificent creation!

You are accepted.  You are accepted just as you are, not as you hoped you might be.  You are completely accepted, no matter what you've done or who you feel you've become.  You're wanted.  You're home.  You belong.  You are a delight to be around!

Just you being yourself is a worthwhile person.  You matter.  You have dignity.  You are worth something.  You're needed.  You are  a significant person and the world would suffer great loss without your presence here.

You're liked and appreciated.  Noone else has just your talents, abilities, interests, and special tastes.  Your thoughts are unique to you and add so much to this world.  Your opinion is important. 

You are cherished.  You are held like a child by unseen arms.  You are embraced and cared for every single day.  You are held by arms that won't ever let you go.  Someone notices and cares about everything that happens to you.

You are delighted in.  Someone sings over you every day, every night.  Someone rejoices in you and delights with pride in the wonderful creation you are.  Someone hopes with you about all your dreams.  Someone is rooting for you and cheering you on.  You are smiled upon.

You are never alone and never have been.  Someone walks through every pain and sorrow and triumph you have experienced.  You are never without a friend.  You are befriended.  There is a hand in yours.  There's a voice that speaks love to you always.  There's a presence that will never leave you.  You can never drive that presence away, no matter what you do.

You are understood.  Someone cares for you and all your concerns.  Your pain and heartache, your fears and troubled thoughts are all understood perfectly.  You are known perfectly and loved perfectly just as you are.  You are taken in and welcomed, never to be rejected or turned away.  You are safe and secure.

You are an innocent child.  You are forgiven.  All you've done wrong has been erased and forgotten.  It won't ever be brought up again.  You have been freed and released from its weight.  You are clean.  No wrongs are held against you.  Someone looks in your heart and sees good.

You are graced.  You are loved without having to deserve it.  You are loved and aided and blessed for free.  Someone is on your side in this cold world. Someone is for you and not against you.  You have been given the greatest of gifts: the grace that brings real life in that Someone who loves you, that Someone named Jesus.

You are loved..

                        Grace to all,
May the amazing grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you. 2 Co. 13:14